Basic concepts

In this section we will explain a series of terms that you will come across frequently when using Admira’s Digital Signage portal. Our intention is to familiarize you with these words as soon as possible so you can get the most out of Admira’s solution.


Computer which, thanks to the software of the same name (Admira Player), acts as a receiver of the content uploaded or generated in the platform and broadcasts it on the associated screens.

Simple mode

Playlist creation mode where the user specifies “manually” what content is broadcasted and in what order.

Playlist (simple mode)

Content playlist (loop). In it, the contents are ordered according to the playback order they will have when they are broadcasted.

Block (simple mode)

Grouping of various ordered content that, in turn, is included in a Playlist as if it were a single element. This allows you to create “playlists within playlists” to manage new content and the order within it in a simpler, faster and more comfortable way.

Advanced Mode

Playlist creation mode in which these are generated automatically following the ratios, criteria and categories of each content.

Playlist by criteria (advanced mode)

Automatic Playlist generated by the system for each Player, according to the following advanced distribution parameters:

Category (advanced mode)

Tag or keyword that names the type of content –for example, “Advertising” or “Information”–. The categories are used in the Advanced Mode to automatically generate playlists, respecting the percentage of broadcast that this content category has in the ratio (eg 50% advertising). The categories are applied to the contents and to the percentages of the broadcast ratio.

Criteria (advanced mode)

Tag or keyword of the players to determine the distribution of the contents –for example, “All Players”, or “Barcelona»”. Criteria are used in Advanced Mode to automatically generate playlists, and are applied to content and players.

Ratio (advanced mode)

Broadcast percentage (“screen share”) for each content category. Broadcast rate applies to Player.

We recommend the use of Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers to access the online management portal.

Last updated