
The Inventory section offers you a list of all the players registered in the project and allows you to edit numerous particularities (player registration and cancellation, distribution, segmentation, location, etc.) on all of them in bulk or individually.

When accessing, the list of players that we have registered on the Admira platform will be displayed.

Inventory view

It is the section in which we will keep track of the units of our circuit and the one in which we will be able to make modifications that affect their operation. There is also the possibility of filtering by different options (name, criteria, status, etc.) to work on one or more specifically.

The actions allowed in this section are differentiated between those that apply to a specific player and those that apply to multiple teams.

Add player

It is possible to create a fictitious player on the platform in order to test or preconfigure a device that is not yet installed. This player will not be tied to a real computer on which to play content and will not be licensed. For this, its activation will be necessary.

Player List

Player Activation

It provides a license to a player on the platform and in turn links it to the real device. It will be necessary to enter an activation key.

Player activation

Actions per player

They differ because they are the ones that appear individually on the right for each of the players.

Player actions

They are listed below in order from left to right.


Shows the broadcast list of the contents assigned to the player based on a selected date and time.

In the upper section, we can select the strip in which we want to know the content programming.


At the bottom, we will see the content for the selected time slot with the exact time of broadcast as well as some aspects such as the previous content, duration and expiration date.


Show details

Possibility of seeing discharge date, assign location, team information…


It allows general checks and modifications to be made in the player regarding its information and its operation.

Change name, quality, playlist mode (simple and advanced), change projects, transition content…


It allows assigning and unassigning criteria in a massive way to the players that we select.

Allows you to filter by criteria to make changes.

To do so, you first have to select the players to whom you want to apply the criteria. We will then select Assign Criteria.


Definitively remove a player from the platform. If you later want to reactivate, you will have to register the entire process again.

General actions


It allows general checks and modifications to be made in the player regarding its information and its operation.

Change name, quality, playlist mode (simple and advanced), change projects, transition content…


It allows assigning and unassigning criteria in a massive way to the players that we select.

Allows you to filter by criteria to make changes.

To do so, you first have to select the players to whom you want to apply the criteria. We will then select Assign Criteria.


Allows you to apply a video quality to the selected players. To find out more about the qualities, check with your assigned PM.

Show Info Players

It allows to see the additional information of all the players of your circuit.

Input list

Allows you to view and add inputs that will be reflected in the Show Info Players section.

Base input list

Allows you to view and add base inputs that will be reflected in the Show Info Players section.


It shows the location of the players on the Google Maps world map, being able to move around it. However, for them to appear first you have to add a location to the player. This is done from the section explained above Show detail

In the first instance, a control panel will appear that directly summarizes the connectivity status of our circuit, showing us the number of players that are in each status: Active, No Connection or Stopped.


Below we have an interactive map, in which each of the players is shown in a geolocated way. The color of each dot indicates the connectivity status of that player.


For a more comfortable visualization, the players that are very close geographically to each other (according to the zoom level that we have selected) are grouped in a numbered bubble . In any case, this option can be disabled by unchecking the Grouped box, located in the upper left corner.

In addition, it is possible to customize the colors assigned to each connectivity status by clicking on the Edit button on the top bar.


In the pop-up window we can change each state to the color we want.

Edit visualization

It is even possible to assign different colors to offline players depending on the range of time they are inactive. This is useful if, for example, we want to differentiate the players that remain offline for less than 48 hours from the others because those establishments have not opened on the weekend.

Without connection

To apply the changes, we will click Accept.

Configure IP

We can change the player's network configuration.

  1. Once inside, we will filter by the player in which we will change its IP and click on “Settings”.

  2. Within configuration, we will have to click on the pencil in the upper right corner to be able to edit, since the IP configuration button is only visible while editing.

  3. When we have clicked on “Edit” we must go all the way down and we will find a box called “IP Player” on which we can click.

  4. If we click on the box, a PopUp will open asking us to create a new IP. To create it, we must click on the “+ CREATE NEW IP” button.

  5. By clicking on the right side, boxes will appear that we must fill in with the corresponding information.

  6. When you click on save, it will be added to the left section as one of the “available IPs”.

  7. If we select the IP we have, we can edit or delete it.

  8. For the player to read the IP configuration that we have added, we must also save it in the Configuration section. If this tab is closed without having saved, the IP configuration that we created before will be deleted. NOTE* In the event that there are several IPs created in the configuration, the player will set the one that is available at that moment.

Last updated