Playlist with criteria

The Playlist section with criteria allows you to control your circuit in Advanced mode:

  • Player filtering in advanced mode

  • See the playlist that will broadcast according to the hours you choose

  • See the list of contents that the player has

  • Change the Ratio of a player

  • Change Criteria of a player

  • See if the player has been able to generate a playlist

  • Assign a template to the player

This icon is a warning which tells us which days can not generate playlist

To see the player in Playlist with Criteria, it must be in Advanced mode


This section allows us to see the playlist that the player will generate according to the content that we have assigned to it. To do this, we must choose a date and a range of hours.

Once the date and time range have been chosen, it will allow us to see the generated playlist. In it we can see the order in which the content is broadcast, the expiration date of each one, the duration, the exact time it is going to be broadcast and the type of distribution (unlimited or hourly passes).

List of contents

This section will allow us to see what content will be broadcast on the date you have assigned.

Once we click “Continue” we will get the contents that will be broadcast that day:


In this section we can choose a template that is already created and assign it to the player:

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