
This Admira platform tool allows you to create compositions with content in the space covered by the screen (its resolution) to later apply it to the broadcast.

Through a system of editable layers, we can add content or blocks and modify the space they cover on the screen so that the content that is broadcast adapts to this composition in a personalized way.

The templates can be assigned both to the contents individually and to a player so that it affects all the playlists that said team has.

They are applicable for simple mode and advanced mode.


In order to start working with templates, we must access its section on the platform and click on Create template.


The template editing menu will then open, in which it will be essential to choose an identifying name.


Below the name, there is essential information for the correct functioning of the template, since the resolution must be that of the screen on which it is going to be broadcast.


We must click on the Save icon to confirm the chosen resolution.

Once the space is delimited, we can start making our template.

To do this, it is important to first look at the box with the icon. This frame will be the one of our main playlist that is assigned to the player. The first thing we must do is adapt the box to the dimensions of the content in the playlist. We will have a box located at the bottom left that will allow us to select the dimensions..


The X and Y will mark your position in space horizontally and vertically. The W is the width of the box (English Width) and the H is the height (English Height).

Once the dimensions are marked, scaling the content to make it larger or smaller is simple if we put the cursor and drag on the box tab. Likewise, if we press the ‘Shift’ key while dragging with the mouse, the proportions of the box will be maintained.

We will place the box in the part of the space where we want the playlist that the player emits to be seen.

From there, the vertical column on the left with the name “Objects” will allow us to add elements to make our template. These elements will be the contents that we will add to layout the composition. The order in this column will let us choose the layer that is above and below (by dragging the elements).


With the “Objects”, the operation is the same: we can adjust the dimensions and move them around the space in the same way as with the main playlist. Of course, these elements will have this icon . This icon will open a window that will allow us to add the content or blocks that we want to appear in our template. Once a content is chosen, the box will be filled with the previous content to facilitate the composition.

When we have finished making our template, we will click on the Save button to register our template and be able to use it

Use cases

With the aim of providing an employment approach, below we present some examples of uses of the templates in the Digital Signane that currently exist.

Logo Fly

Add your business or advertising logo so that it always appears in a corner of the screen when the content is broadcast. This use case allows placing a fly that identifies the brand to which the content belongs.


Content as frame

Wrap the main content of the playlist in a frame to unify different content within the same environment. A specific promotion or a specific type of content can be use cases for this type of template that frames the content in a custom background.

Content with block

Videowall with block

Divide the space with different broadcast options to take advantage of the dimensions of the screen and display various content.

Videowall with bloque

In this example, a fixed content, a block and the player’s playlist are distributed in the screen space.

The block allows you to add another alternative content loop to that of the playlist. It is important to take into account the duration of the contents (both the block and the playlist) so that they are played in their entirety, since they will start simultaneously when the template appears.

It will be vital to take this duration into account because if there are contents of the block that are left out of the template pass for the duration, they will not be seen and the next time the template will be reissued it will do so from the first content that the block has. and these will be left out of the broadcast.

Automatic blocks

As explained in the Blocks tool section, there are several ways to play the contents of blocks. One of them, the Automatic mode, allows the contents to be assigned to said block through the advanced distribution mode (with category and criteria tags).

By adding an automatic block to our template, we will be able to distribute it only in the contents that interest us, regardless of whether there is another type of content in that same player. Similarly, in the space of the template block, only the content that matches the content tags of the playlist will be emitted, preventing the others from being seen.

This peculiarity allows us to use a single template for different contents according to the criteria.

For example, let’s imagine that we create a template with an automatic block in one corner in which we have three different contents with different prices.

Automatic blocks

Said template would jump in the assigned player only when any of the contents of its playlist coincides by criteria tags with the contents of the block. In addition to the fact that only the price of that content that is being displayed would be seen and not the others.

In this way it would be possible for the contents of the playlist that we want to have the price in a corner, it appears and it is also the one indicated for the content that is broadcast.

If, on the other hand, there is content in which we do not want the template to appear, it will not be seen if the criteria does not match.

Actions templates menu

If we go back to the main page of the section, we can see the templates that we already have created on the platform.

For each one, its information will appear in columns: previous, name, number of contents, date of the last update and its resolution.


To the right of each template, we will have different configuration options for the template.



It’s the pencil icon. Allows you to make changes again in the template creation menu.


If we have previously assigned this template, in the nut icon we can remove the assignment of said template in all the players and contents in which it is distributed.

It will notify us with a pop-up window of the playlists to which it is associated before confirming the entire process to make sure that it is what we want.


Makes a copy of the chosen template so you can work on it without making any changes to the original.


Allows you to assign categories to the template. These categories will serve for advanced distribution.

The contents that coincide in category tags with those associated with the template, will be broadcast with the template as long as said template is assigned to the player.


Delete the template from the listing.


To assign a template, we must first make sure of the distribution mode that we are using in the players that we want to assign it: simple mode or advanced mode.

Simple mode

To assign a template in simple mode, we can do it in two different ways: assign them to a specific content within a playlist or to an entire player.


To do this, we will go to the Playlists section in the Platform Administration menu and click on edit the playlist that has the content to which we want to assign the template.


To the right of each content, we will see a box that, when selected, will allow us to “Assign template”.

Assign Template

Once clicked, a pop-up window will appear to choose a template from the ones we have created. After selecting it, we will click on Save and this template will be applied to the content.


Like the assignment to a specific content, we will go to the Playlists section to be able to do it, although this time we will go directly to the “Assign” icon in the menu bar.


The list of players we have on the platform will appear on the page. To the right of each one, we will have a box that gives us the information of the assigned template.

Assign template

Designing the template will be as simple as clicking on the box and choosing the one you want from the drop-down menu that will open. Returning from that window will suffice to confirm the change.

Advanced mode

To assign templates in advanced mode, we must go to the Playlists with criteria section, within the Administration menu.

Once inside, we will have a list of all the players that are in advanced distribution mode. Each of them will have an icon that will allow us to add templates.

Advanced mode
Advanced mode

Selecting it will open a new window in which we can choose between the previously created templates. Then, we will click on the Save button and the changes will be applied.

It should be remembered that for this process to work correctly it is necessary that the template and the contents have associated matching category tags, since in this way the template will differentiate between the contents to which it has to be associated and those that it does not.


What happens if a content that we have added to a template runs out before the template is no longer broadcast? What if it lasts longer than the content it is associated with?

It is important when assigning blocks to templates to take into account the duration of the contents of the block, its number of reproductions and the duration of the content of the main playlist to which it is associated, since if the duration is different, we can stay with an empty space in our broadcast or with content without being reproduced completely.

If we have a template with an auto block and normal content, and we assign it to an entire player, what will be seen in the auto block space if the contents do not have matching categories?

In that case, the space covered by the automatic block in the template will be transparent, as if it were not in the template, allowing what is underneath to be shown.

On the other hand, the normal content would be seen in its corresponding space just like the other content.

Last updated